College of Liberal Arts
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Approved Courses

Content courses fulfilling portfolio requirement (at least 25% AAS content)

AAS Graduate Portfolio Spring ’22

HIS 381 Identities (38840) T/TH 3:30-6:30PM

HIS 392 Cultural History of US Since 1865 (38870) T 2-5PM

EDC 385G Identity/Agency/Education (10835) T 4-7PM

EDC 385G Literacy and Culture (10845) F 1-4PM

C L 382 Global Pedagogy/Intersectionality/Anti-Racism (34310) T/TH 9:30-11AM

GOV 384N Constitutional Law II: Race & Constitution (38188) MW 2:15-3:30PM

MAS 392 Race in the Americas (40015) M 11AM-2PM

SW 395K Research Methods Minoritized Populations (60064) TH 9AM-12PM

WGS 393 Race & Gender by Design (45495) T 5-8PM

LAW 382H Immigration (28755) MTW 10:30-11:30AM

ANT 391 Race Ethnicity & Migration (32080) M 9AM-12PM

CMS 390S Community, Power, & Inequality (08789) T 6:30-9:30PM

EDP 382C Psychology of Race, Prejudice, Stereotype (11714) W 9AM-12PM