Liberal Arts Career Services | College of Liberal Arts
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Cover Letter Guide

The cover letter (or letter of interest) is a one-page document commonly requested with a resume as part of an employment application. Liberal Arts Career Services has resources, including recommendations for content and formatting, to assist you when developing application materials targeting a specific employer and opportunity.

Cover Letter Guide | Cover Letter Template | Sample Cover Letter | Job Posting Analysis

To ensure that your application materials highlights your skills, schedule an appointment with a Career Coach or use our drop-in hours. It is helpful if you can bring your job posting to your appointment. 

Related Guides

Email Signature Block: When using email to correspond with prospective employers, be sure your email signature block looks professional and contains relevant information. 

List of References: References should not be included on a resume, but in a separate document. References are provided upon employer's request, typically after an interview because employers want to know what your work performance was like in other professional settings. It is common for an employer to request for three references.

Letters of Recommendation: Letters of recommendation are requested in support of applications for graduate or law school.

Writing Sample: A writing sample only needs to be submitted if it is specifically requested as part of the job application (typically for writing intensive, research or law-related positions).

SWOT Analysis: Use this tool to help evaluate your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to help strengthen your cover letter.

Thank You Letters: Use this tool to help formulate a strong thank you letter or email to send to your interviewer after your interview.