Undergraduate Minor
The Program in Comparative Literature approaches the study of literature from a variety of viewpoints rather than from the viewpoint of a single language or nation. Courses in literary history, practical criticism, and critical theory stress the relationship between literature and other disciplines in the humanities, the arts, and the social sciences. The program offers both the doctoral and the masters degree and sponsors courses on both the graduate and the undergraduate level. All comparative literature courses are conducted in English.
To introduce undergraduates to the field of study, the Comparative Literature faculty has designed a cluster of courses in critical thinking and world literature. These courses concentrate on writing and thinking critically, with a focus on literary texts drawn from around the world, in the context of an interdisciplinary and international program. The fifteen-hour cluster complements many majors in liberal arts; with the approval of the student's major department, it may be used to fulfill the minor requirement.
The requirements for students following the 2022-2024 and later Undergraduate Catalogs are as follows.
Fifteen semester credit hours, including:
- C L 315/E 316N, Masterworks of World Literature
- six hours of upper division C L coursework
- six additional hours of any level C L coursework
- no more than six of the hours applied toward the minor may also count toward major requirements
The requirements for students following the 2016-2018 through 2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalogs are as follows.
Fifteen semester credit hours, including:
- C L 301, Introduction to Comparative Literature, or another lower- or upper-division C L course of the student's choosing
- C L 315/E 316N, Masterworks of World Literature
- six semester credit hours of C L 323, Topics in Comparative Literature, in a single regional or linguistic area; a list of available areas and course options for each can be found here
- three additional semester hours of C L 323, Topics in Comparative Literature (any area)
- no more than six of the hours applied toward the minor may also count toward major requirements
To add the Comparative Literature minor, go here.
On that website, enter your EID, choose "C L Comparative Literature" from the pulldown menu, etc.
Once you've received an automated e-mail notification that you've been approved for the minor, contact your academic advisor to request that the minor be added to your degree audit profile.
Comparative Literature also offers the Conference Course in Comparative Literature, C L 320, which may count towards the minor by petition. Conference courses allow students to pursue independent study under the supervision of faculty member. To pursue a conference course, please obtain the consent of an instructor and complete the following form:
C L Undergraduate Conference Course Form
For additional details or inquiries, please reach out to gulliver@austin.utexas.edu.