College of Liberal Arts
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There is no separate application for admission to the Economics major. Prospective freshmen will submit the ApplyTexas application and any corresponding documentation to UT Admissions for processing. The Economics department is not involved in the application or selection process. Contact UT Admissions for questions related to the admissions application and acceptance.

You will find more information for prospective freshmen on the Be-A-Longhorn website.

Are you still in high school and considering Economics as a major? Here are some things you can do to prepare:

  • Make sure you are proficient in math by taking as much as you can while in high school. Economics majors are required to take a two course sequence in calculus, and it is best to complete these courses in freshman year at college for making progress in the major. To take the calculus classes at UT, a placement exam is required. Some students fulfill the calculus requirement by "testing out" via Advanced Placement, or by taking the college level credits as dual credit.*
  • If your school offers economics courses it would be good to take them so that you are already somewhat familiar with the concepts you will study more in-depth at the college level. Some students use Advanced Placement credit-by-exam for, or take dual credit in, the freshman level economics courses required in the major, ECO 304K Intro to Microeconomics and ECO 304L Intro to Macroeconomics.
  • If you can take a statistics course in high school this will also help prepare you for subsequent coursework at the college level. Economics majors are required to take ECO 329 Economics Statistics. Unfortunatly, the credit garnered from Advanced Placement does not count for the statistics requirement in the economics major; however it can count as elective credit! See an advisor before claiming your credit!

To find out more, check out the opportunities listed at the American Economics Associate website.

* If you do not have the opportunity to take coursework in calculus, economics, or statistics in high school, don't worry. You will not be behind as long as you are prepared to get started right away when you get to UT.