College of Liberal Arts
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Environmental Science

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree program (the “EVS Program”) is an interdisciplinary degree program in Environmental Science offered collaboratively by The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Natural SciencesJackson School of Geosciences, and College of Liberal Arts. The EVS Program is unique for its innovative, interdisciplinary nature and its extensive use of hands-on experience and professional preparation to create tomorrow’s environmental scientists.  If you’re interested in learning more about other sustainability and environment undergraduate degree programs at UT Austin, you can check them out here.

To see how these elements connect over a four year term take a look at the EVS Degree Plans, EVS Course Lists, and Sample Four Year Plans on the EVS Current Student Forms page.

The EVS curriculum brings together four essential components to successful environmental education, making it unique both at The University of Texas at Austin and nationwide.

EVS Program Office Contact Information

Jeff Hallock

EVS Program Advising Coordinator

JGB 2.108C, Holland Family Student Center


Phone: (512) 232-4545