College of Liberal Arts
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Located in Garrison Hall, the Institute for Historical Studies is the intellectual heart and soul of the history department—hosting talks, workshops, conferences, and symposia; promoting the work of younger scholars; bringing together colleagues from other departments and colleges around the university to discuss common interests from multidisciplinary perspectives; awarding internal and external fellowships that allow historians time to pursue their own research; and reaching out to the community by making accessible to all the results of cutting-edge research.

In 2021, we launched a campaign to provide an endowment for the Institute. Initiated by the History Department Visiting Committee, this campaign aims to ensure that the Institute will remain on solid footing for the future. Audiences for Institute events include faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students; colleagues from a variety of disciplines; and non-academics who love history. Our programming reflects not only the research of our faculty and fellows, but also the commemoration of major events in the past, and compelling issues behind today’s headlines. The Institute is a model of public engagement as well as scholarly enterprise.

The study of history is critical to our understanding of the world we live in today.

We invite you to help sustain the Institute for Historical Studies, and thereby sustain the study and teaching of history at UT today and into the future. One-time or recurring gifts may be made online by going to, and entering "Department of History" in the Search Bar. In the Notes section, please write “IHS Excellence Endowment." For questions and suggestions about the endowment please contact staff member Courtney Meador (email) or History Department Manager Dr. Michael Schmidt (email).

Thank you for your support!