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Computer Lab & Study Space
Computers and printers are available for Liberal Arts Honors students, in RLP 2.534, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. In addition, the Commons Room is a great place to study or relax between classes. It has wonderful natural light, comfortable chairs, large tables, and is current with a fine selection of magazines and periodicals.
Useful Links
Office of the Registrar's Services This page puts all of the registrar's online services right in one place. From here you can view your class schedule, check your Registration Information Sheet, find the times and places of your finals and much more.
Interactive Degree Audit This is the place to go to check the progress you have made towards your degree. The IDA can also be used to investigate adding or changing your major, showing you how that would alter your academic outlook.
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Find all of your university-related financial details all in one place. From here you can monitor the release of your financial aid and view your financial aid history.
Liberal Arts Course Descriptions and Syllabi Look up detailed information, including reading lists and grading criteria, for most Liberal Arts course currently being offered.
Course Evaluation Surveys Online survey results that provide student feedback about professors and the courses they've taught.
Student Testing Services This is the website to visit to claim credit and to register for placement exams. Remember, before claiming credit, you should always speak to an advisor.
Transfer Equivalency Database Find UT course equivalencies from other Texas colleges. This will help you determine if and how your community college credit will transfer into UT.
Education Abroad It is never too early to start looking into study abroad opportunities; get started by attending an information session - the calendar can be found on the homepage.
Liberal Arts Career Services Learn more about the college's career coaching services and get registered in Handshake for internship and job listings as well as upcoming event information. Pre-law and graduate school coaching is also offered through Liberal Arts Career Services.
Health Professions Office Any student, regardless of major, who is interested in a health profession, should visit this office. Find lists of courses required by medical schools, summer research opportunities, student organizations to join, and more.
Sanger Learning Center This office offers many services including free drop-in tutoring for entry-level courses, Peer academic coaching, one-on-one appointment tutoring, free workshops on time management, study skills, test taking, and more.