College of Liberal Arts
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Cash Advances

Travel/Research Cash Advance Procedure

Faculty should complete a Cash Advance Request Survey to submit the request for funds (check with Erica Alvarez first if you don’t know your account number).

  • Make sure to select the option that sends a copy to Erica Alvarez.
  • Dates must be FUTURE dates. You cannot submmit forms for past dates. Date of submission is at least 10 days in advance (e.g. if check date is 01/01/202X  you would need to submit the request 12/22/202X and your cash advance period would be 01/01/202X through 06/01/202X).

Due to the extended processing time for cash advances, requests should be submitted 30 days in advance of the date the funds are needed.  Requests submitted less than 10 business days in advance will be denied. 

  1. Keep receipts for all purchases and payments.
    • Receipts should be itemized and show that the expense has been paid ($0 due). 
    • Payments to consultants require individual receipts.  You can purchase a receipt book for this purpose.   Receipts should include: name of the consultant, date, description of services, and consultant’s signature.
    • The only expenses that do not require receipts are your personal meal expenses and ground transportation within a city.
  2. Keep a log of all purchases
    • The log should be a spreadsheet that includes date, amount, curency used, and a brief description of the charge. 
    • Items that do not require a receipt will still need to be listed on the expense log.  Per diem amount (max of $51/day) can be listed as one line item showing dates for which you are requesting a per diem and the total amount you are requesting.
    • The total on the spreadsheet should match the actual amount spent. 
  3. Submit your receipts and expense log
    • Cash advance documentation is due within two weeks of your return (or the end date on your cash advance request for advances that do not involve travel).
    • You will be expected to return any unused portion of the funds you received by writing a check to the university. If you spent more than you received in your cash advance, you may be eligible to request a reimbursement depending on the expenses claimed, the account used, and whether there are any funds available.
    • All receipts presented must be within the dates noted on the cash advance. Any expenses prior to, or after the dates noted on the cash advance may be disallowed.
    • Submit your receipts and spreadsheet by email to Erica Alvarez.

Reconciliation Procedure

Reconciliation back-up needs to be submitted within two weeks after the cash advance is due. Submit the back-up to Erica Alvarez. 

  • Use the Summary Reconciliation Sheet to document payments of more than $600 per calendar year to individual research subjects and survey participants.  The Individual Receipt Form should be accompanied by the Summary Reconciliation Sheet.
  • The Multiple Participant Receipt Form should be used to document payments of less than $600 per calendar year to individual research subjects and survey participants.
  • You will be expected to return any unused portion of the funds you received by writing a check to the university.   If you spent more than you received in your cash advance, you may be eligible to request a reimbursement depending on the expenses claimed, the account used, and the availability of funds.
  • All receipts presented must be within the dates noted on the cash advance. Any expenses prior to, or after the dates noted on the cash advance may be disallowed.