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Psychology Admissions

CURRENT UT STUDENTS (Internal Transfer)


    To be eligible for internal transfer into Psychology undergraduate program, you must meet all by the end of the semester in which you are applying:

    *excluding credit-by-exam, extension, correspondence, and transfer

    • PSY courses- at least one taken for a letter gradein residence at UT -Hours at UT- Complete minimum 12 hours for a letter grade in residence at UT
    • Latest you can apply- maximum of four long semesters after high school graduation

    **priority given to students with lessthan 75 hours of college credit

    • Must add as first or second major only
    • Be currently enrolled at UT Austin & submit a complete application by the posted deadline

    *** A student mayapply only twice to change his/her major to Psychology.


    Please RSVP for info sessions by 4:00 PM the day prior.

    • Wednesday, 2/16, 9:00-10:00 AM CST |  RSVP
    • Tuesday, 3/01, 8:30-9:30 AM CST |  RSVP
    • Thursday, 3/10, 3:30-4:30 PM CST |  RSVP
    • Monday, 3/28, 9:00-10:00 AM CST |  RSVP
    • Friday, 4/15, 1:00-2:00 PM CST |  RSVP

    Please use your UT Zoom account to ensure access.
    If you have any questions, please direct them to


    The number of students who want to major in Psychology exceeds the number who can be adequately instructed by the faculty. Therefore meeting the minimum hour and GPA requirements is not a guarantee of admission to the Psychology major.

    The primary criteria will be overall GPA and hours taken at UT Austin.

    Other factors include: number of PSY courses taken, evidence of long-term interest in Psychology (e.g., research, work in health/human services, etc.), total hours completed, and whether or not the student plans to switch majors or add PSY as a double major.


    Apply here!
    You will receive a confirmation email message upon receipt of your application. All submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.

    Application periods

    Summer or Fall admission: February 1- May 1 (DEADLINE 11:59 PM)
    Spring admission: September 1- December 1 (DEADLINE 11:59 PM)

    Questions about admission? Email: 

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Updated 12-18-2024

The Department of Psychology only accepts internal transfer applications during the Spring semester for Fall semester admission. Our next application cycle will begin in Spring 2025 for Fall 2025 admission. 

To be eligible to apply for internal transfer into the Psychology undergraduate program, a student must satisfy all below requirements by the end of the semester in which they are applying:

  1. Information Session: Must attend an internal transfer information session in the current academic year (Fall 2024 or Spring 2025)
  2. UT Austin Overall GPA: Minimum 3.25
  3. UT Austin PSY GPA: Minimum 3.25
  4. PSY course(s): At least one taken for a letter grade in-residence at UT Austin
  5. Hours at UT: Complete minimum 12 hours for a letter grade in-residence at UT Austin (excludes credit-by-exam, extension, correspondence and transfer credit)
  6. Latest one can apply: Maximum of four long semesters after high school graduation
  7. Current Enrollment: Must be currently enrolled at UT Austin and must submit a complete application by the posted internal transfer deadline


  • Attendance of an internal transfer information session prior to fall 2024 will not satisfy the requirement to attend an internal transfer information session.
  • All students who attend an internal transfer information session will receive a written confirmation of attendance sent by Secure Academic Note (SAN) after the session ends (on the same day of the information session). If a student attends an information session and does not receive this SAN confirmation of attendance, the student has five (5) business days to contact the Psychology Advising Office in writing at to notify our office to investigate/resolve the issue. If no written notice is provided to the Psychology Advising Office at the specified email account within this 5-business day window, the student is considered to have not attended the information session and will be required to attend another information session, if one is still available.
  • Priority is given to applicants with less than 75 hours
  • Must add PSY as first or second major only. If a student is admitted to the PSY major with two pre-existing majors, they must drop one major to add the PSY major.
  • In-residence credit means credit taken through UT Austin and excludes credit-by-exam, extension, correspondence, and transfer credit.
  • A student may only apply twice to change their major to Psychology.



Spring 2025 Information Sessions

  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:00-1:00 PM CDT (Virtual via Zoom, *Sign-up required)
  • Monday, March 10, 2025 3:00-4:00 PM CDT (Virtual via Zoom, *Sign-up required)
  • Thursday, April 3, 2025 1:30-2:30 PM CDT (In-Person, SEA 4.244, *Sign-up required)
  • Tuesday, April 22, 2025 6:00-7:00 PM CDT (Virtual via Zoom, *Sign-up required) 

*required to sign-up for the information session by 12:00 PM CDT the business day before the info session. The Zoom link for your chosen virtual session will be emailed to you the day before. If you don’t receive the email, please check your spam or trash folder.

Please use your UT Zoom account to ensure access for virtual information sessions.
If you have any questions, please direct them to


  • Attendance of an internal transfer information session prior to fall 2024 will not satisfy the requirement to attend an internal transfer information session.
  • All students who attend an internal transfer information session will receive a written confirmation of attendance sent by Secure Academic Note (SAN) after the session ends (on the same day of the information session). If a student attends an information session and does not receive this SAN confirmation of attendance, the student has five (5) business days to contact the Psychology Advising Office in writing at to notify our office to investigate/resolve the issue. If no written notice is provided to the Psychology Advising Office at the specified email account within this 5-business day window, the student is considered to have not attended the information session and will be required to attend another information session, if one is still available.

The number of students who want to major in Psychology exceeds the number who can be adequately instructed by the faculty. Therefore, meeting the minimum internal transfer application requirements is not a guarantee of admission to the Psychology major.

The primary criteria will be overall GPA and hours taken at UT Austin.

Other factors for consideration include: number of PSY courses taken, evidence of long-term interest in Psychology (e.g., research, work in health/human services, etc.), total hours completed, and whether or not the student plans to switch majors or add PSY as a double major.

Apply here!
You will receive a confirmation email message upon receipt of your application. All submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.

Application periods

Fall admission: February 1- May 1 (DEADLINE 11:59 PM)

Questions about admission? Email: 

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To declare Psychology as your major when you first enter UT as a freshman: you must indicate PSYCHOLOGY as your first choice major on your UT application form.

For information on admission standards, visit the UT Office of Admissions website.

Upon admission as a Psychology major, plan to attend the Freshman Orientation Program in the summer; this is when you will meet with an advisor and have your advising bar removed.

Plan to take PSY 301—Introduction to Psychology in your first year if you don't have credit already.

For questions, email us at

For information on admission standards, visit the UT Office of Admissions website.

*Note that we play no role in the admissions process.

To declare Psychology as your major when you first enter UT as a Transfer Student, you must indicate PSYCHOLOGY as your first choice major on your UT application form.

Upon admission as a Psychology major, plan to attend the Transfer Orientation Program before you begin your studies- this is when you will meet with an advisor and register for courses. 

Email questions to

PSY 301 Intro to Psychology- Required for all psychology majors (with a C or better); prerequisite for all other Psycholgoy courses. Can be taken in transfer.

PSY 420M Psychological Methods & Statistics-Required for all psychology majors (with a C or better). Prerequisite for all other upper division PSY courses (with a "C" or better), and can ONLY be taken at UT, NOT in transfer.

Additional PSY Courses in transfer- Might transfer with "generic" course evaluations, such as PSY 3HRS or PSY 3ADV. Check with an advisor to see how these courses can apply toward the Psychology major. 18 hours of Psychology coursework in residence (at UT) is required

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    To declare Psychology as your major when you first enter UT as a freshman: you must indicate PSYCHOLOGY as your first choice major on your UT application form.

    For information on admission standards, visit the UT Office of Admissions website.

    Upon admission as a Psychology major, plan to attend the Freshman Orientation Program in the summer; this is when you will meet with an advisor and have your advising bar removed.

    Plan to take PSY 301—Introduction to Psychology in your first year if you don't have credit already.

    For questions, email us at


    For information on admission standards, visit the UT Office of Admissions website.

    *Note that we play no role in the admissions process.

    To declare Psychology as your major when you first enter UT as a Transfer Student, you must indicate PSYCHOLOGY as your first choice major on your UT application form.

    Upon admission as a Psychology major, plan to attend the Transfer Orientation Program before you begin your studies- this is when you will meet with an advisor and register for courses. 

    Email questions to


    PSY 301 Intro to Psychology- Required for all psychology majors (with a C or better); prerequisite for all other Psycholgoy courses. Can be taken in transfer.

    PSY 420M Psychological Methods & Statistics-Required for all psychology majors (with a C or better). Prerequisite for all other upper division PSY courses (with a "C" or better), and can ONLY be taken at UT, NOT in transfer.

    Additional PSY Courses in transfer- Might transfer with "generic" course evaluations, such as PSY 3HRS or PSY 3ADV. Check with an advisor to see how these courses can apply toward the Psychology major. 18 hours of Psychology coursework in residence (at UT) is required

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