College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Program

The Academic Advisor advises prospective and current majors, removes advising bars, reviews degree audits, assists with course selection, processes undergraduate advising paperwork (including declarations of major, profile change requests, petitions for degree modification...), pre-advises majors interested in study-abroad programs, etc.


Senior Academic Advisor

Dr. Nikola

WCH 4.128

Advising Appointments:

The Academic Advisor is available through Zoom appointments, Monday through Friday from 9am to 4:00pm. When you schedule an appointment, you will receive a Zoom link via email that will allow you to join the appointment at the scheduled time. 

Please use the Calendly link HERE to schedule a Zoom appointment.

NOTE: Please leave specific questions in the comments section when making an appointment and make sure you receive a confirmation email.


Have more casual questions? Or want to learn about study abroad, course offerings, honors program, or funding?

Schedule a chat with our Faculty Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Heather Rice!