College of Liberal Arts
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Advisory Committee

The LTC Advisory Committee comprises four faculty representatives from the University’s language programs. These faculty members serve for 2-year renewable terms.

Program Director

  • Dr. Thomas J. Garza — Research Interests: Russian language teaching methodology/ Applied linguistics/ Contemporary Russian culture/ The Chechen wars and the media/ Post-Soviet youth culture/ Language teaching pedagogy/ Russian popular culture/ Modern Russian language/ Contemporary Russian media

Steering Committee Members

  • Dr. Olla Al-Shalchi — Research Interests: Language pedagogy/ The use of technology in the classroom/ Material development, learning strategies, and the cognitive load effect on learners with varying knowledge backgrounds
  • Dr. Nancy Guilloteau — Research Interests: Online and hybrid curriculum development/ Second language pedagogy/ Teacher training and supervision, and assessment
  • Dr. Melissa Murphy — Language pedagogy / Curriculum development /  Teacher training / Tense, mood and aspect
  • Dr. David Quinto Pozos — Research Interests: Developmental signed language disorders/ Constructed action/ Language contact/ Signed-spoken language interpretation