Student Interns
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- Student Intern Handbook
- Texas Administrative Code: Educators’ Code of Ethics – Chapter 247
- Permission for Publication of Student Work, Photographs or Video
- Permission for Publication of Student Work, Photographs or Video (Spanish Version)
- UTL 101 Pacing Guide
- UTL 202 Pacing Guide
- UTL 640 Pacing Guide
Background Checks
Access to school district campuses is prohibited until a criminal history check has been processed. Each district has their own procedures for background checks. The UTeach-Liberal Arts office will provide specific instructions to students when background checks are needed. Before completing background check forms, students should refer to the Criminal History Check Instruction Guide.
UTL 101 Sample Forms and Instructions
The sample forms below are for your information only. You must use the DocuSign forms in the next section as the official document for the course.
UTL 101 Instructions for the forms below - PDF
UTL 101 Weekly Hours Log-Sample - PDF
UTL 101 Midterm Observation-Sample - Word PDF
UTL 101 Observation Form-Sample - Word PDF
UTL 101 DocuSign Forms
Do not initiate any of the UTL 101 forms below until you are ready for your Cooperating Teacher (CT) to receive them. If you'd like to view the forms ahead of time, please click on the sample forms above.
- UTeach-LA 101 Weekly Hours Log - (Pham-Macharia)
- UTeach-LA 101 Midterm Observation - (Pham-Macharia)
- UTeach-LA 101 Observation Form - (Pham-Macharia)
UTL 202 Sample Forms and Instructions
UTL 202 Instructions for the forms below PDF
UTL 202 Weekly Hours Log PDF
UTL 202 Observation Form Word PDF
UTL 202 DocuSign Forms
Do not initiate any of the UTL 202 forms below until you are ready for your Cooperating Teacher (CT) to receive them. If you'd like to view the forms ahead of time, please click on the sample forms above. The weekly hours log is for recording hours/minutes in observation, evaluation, or teaching. The evaluation form is for your CT to evaluate your teaching.
- UTeach-LA 202 Weekly Hours Log - (Dille)
- UTeach-LA 202 Observation Form - (Dille)
UTL 640 Sample Forms and Instructions
UTL 640 Instructions for the forms below PDF
UTL 640 Observation Form Sample Word PDF
UTL 640 Weekly Hours Log Sample PDF
UTL 640 Evaluation Forms - DocuSign
Student interns will initiate the 640 Observation Form just prior to teaching a lesson that their cooperating teacher will be evaluating. Do not enter the access code until you want to begin the process. Select samples above if you wish to view the document ahead of time.
UTL 640 Weekly Hours Log - DocuSign
Student interns will initiate the 640 Weekly Hours Log every week.