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The University of Texas at Austin

Dean's Circle

The College of Liberal Arts is proud to recognize alumni and friends who have committed to making an impact through annual gifts. Through their sustained generosity, donors create invaluable opportunities for innovative researchers and deserving students. 

College of Liberal Arts

Patton Hall

The Dean’s Circle is a group of donors who provide critical support that allows the college to seize opportunities as it strives toward its goal of excellence in Liberal Arts. All members will be invited to an annual Dean’s Circle event each year. In addition, members are recognized on the Liberal Arts website and will receive periodic updates from the Dean.

The college continues to expand to benefit students, and has grown increasingly competitive on the national and international stages. To foster programs, scholarships, and research that shape the leaders of tomorrow, the college relies on the generosity of its donors.

Join us as we continue a tradition of excellence in the Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin. Become a part of this community that is changing the world.

  • Electronic updates from the college
  • Website recognition
  • Invitation to annual Dean’s Circle Event 
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  • Dean's Circle 2023-24 Members

    Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Aaron

    Chris Abbott

    Joe Abel, M.D. Abel Co.

    Ms. Sophia Ahmad

    Ms. Faiqa Akhtar

    Mr. Felix Akompi

    Ms. Sallie Alcorn

    Mr. and Mrs. Fields Alexander

    Mr. Patrick Alsup

    Ms. Mena Amin

    Mr. Steven Anderson

    Mr. Thomas Anthony Andreoli

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Appleman

    Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleman

    Margaret and Wayne Arrington

    Mr. W. Russell Ashworth, Jr.

    Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Atkinson

    Mr. H. Brent Austin

    Mr. Andres Avila

    Dr. James Ayres

    Mr. Andre Azevedo

    Javad Azimpoor

    Ms. Allison T. Bacon

    Ms. Katherine Baehl

    Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Baker

    Mr. Vivek Bakshi

    Dr. Peter Balash and Beth Ane Jackson

    Mr. Gerardo Balboa

    Mr. Michael W. Barker

    Ms. Joan M. Barrett

    Mrs. Laura Bartos

    Eric Batchelder and Suzanne L. Morris

    Dr. Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach and Dr. Timothy Beach

    Dr. and Mrs. John M. Beall

    Mr. P. Patrick Beathard

    Dr. John T. Beavers and Ms. Janice Ta

    Mr. Brent Bechtol and Ms. Hailey Bechtol

    Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Bell

    Mr. Philip F. Benson

    Howard and Wendy Berk

    David and Ellen Berman

    Mrs. Elizabeth Berman

    Ms. Mary Dell Harrington and Mr. Melvin J. Berning, Jr.

    Bill and Katie Weaver Charitable Trust

    Barbara and Bill Binder

    April Blackmore

    Mr. Jack E. Blake, Jr. and Mrs. Mary T. Blake

    Ms. Catherine Blazek

    Ms. Allison F. Bloom and Mr. Gabriel Rutman

    Mr. Richard Blumberg

    Vice Admiral Raquel Bono

    Mr. Samuel Bradshaw

    Mr. Walter Bratic

    Sarah B. Brayne

    Mr. Hans Brindley

    Dr. Donald Brode and Susan Terrell

    Dr. Kathleen Brook

    Ann Brookover

    Dr. David Brown

    Mr. Gregory Brown

    James R. Brown

    Mrs. Marian Brown

    Mr. Barrett Bruce and Mrs. Ellen Bruce

    Mr. Mark Bryan

    The Bucy Family Fund

    Tony Budet

    Dr. Thomas Burnham

    Mrs. Brenda Burt and Mr. Edmond Burt

    Mr. Charles E. Byrd

    Mr. Gary Cacciatore

    John W. Caldwell, Jr.

    Mr. Ivan Calil

    Dr. Guy N. Cameron

    Mr. Larry A. Campagna

    Dr. Telma Can Pixabaj

    Mr. William Canada

    Ms. Elizabeth Carey

    Ms. Leslie Carruth

    Dr. Daniela Bini and Dr. Joseph C. Carter, Jr

    Mr. Arthur Catterall and Mrs. Jana Catterall

    Mr. Ruben Cavazos

    Dr. Beth A. Chambers & Mr. James M. Chambers

    Ms. Christine Chemell

    Dr. Stephen L. Chew and Dr. Daisy Y. Wong

    Dr. William R. Childs and Mrs. M. Suzanne Childs

    Mr. Martin Chodorow

    Mr. Andrew Chu

    Mr. Joseph A. Cialone, II

    Mr. Daniel Cidon

    Mr. William Clark

    Paul B. Clayton, Jr., Ph.D.

    Deborah Clearman

    Dr. Helen P. Clements

    Dr. David H. Coe

    Scott and Barbi Cohen

    Mrs. Amy Cole

    Mr. and Mrs. James T. Collins

    Mr. Robert K. Conklin

    Mrs. Anne A. Conner

    Mr. Jim F. Cook

    Mr. Michael L. Cooper

    Mr. Christopher Coye

    Judith Croft

    Mr. R. Caven Crosnoe and Mrs. Sue Y. Crosnoe

    Mr. John Crow

    Mrs. Claire Crumbley and Mr. Alex Crumbley

    Mr. Richard Crumly

    Mr. Samuel Cruse

    Mr. Austin Curley

    Mr. Gregory Curran

    Jim and Laura Ann Curry

    Dr. Bill Curtis

    Mr. and Mrs. Josiah M. Daniel III

    Mr. Kurt Daum

    Al and Julie Tindall DeVincentis

    Dr. Jeremy S. Dean and Ms. Karin Akre

    Yvon and Carol Delville

    Dr. Carolyn H. Denham and Mr. Robert E. Denham

    Mrs. Wendy Denham

    Mr. Jim Derryberry

    Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Deutch

    Mr. David Dibble

    Randy and Mary Diehl

    Dr. Tommy Douglas and Ms. Linda Shead

    Mr. Ross E. Dowling

    Ms. Jordan T. Downs

    David L. and Adrienne S. Draper

    Dr. Christopher Dreiling

    Mr. Douglas A. Duke and Mr. David B. Pollard

    Mr. Frederick Dure

    Rhonda and Lynn D. Durham, Jr.

    Marianne Dwight and Ed Dwight

    Ms. Rebecca Dyer

    Ms. Mary Edwards

    The Cain Foundation

    Mrs. Christine C. Egan

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Egan

    Elizabeth Crook and Marc Lewis Foundation

    Victor Elizalde and Jean-Marie Winikates

    Mrs. Suzanne Ellis and Mr. Edward H. Ellis, Jr.

    Mr. and Mrs. Eric O. English

    Ms. Dia Epstein and Mr. Barry Epstein

    Dr. Edmund L. Erde and Mrs. Judy Erde

    James T. Escobedo, Jr.

    Dr. Susan M. Escudier, M.D.

    Mrs. Nancy Etheridge

    Mr. John Fainter and Mrs. Allison Fainter

    Mrs. Susan S. Fainter

    Mrs. Margaret Fanning

    Mr. Jonathan Feig

    Mrs. Renee Fendrich

    John T. Fenoglio

    Ms. Hallie Ferguson

    Joseph and Jody Ferguson

    Mr. Walter K. L. Ferguson, Jr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Ferguson

    Dr. Karen Fingerman

    Richard P. Finney

    Mr. Craig Fisher

    Mr. David Fletcher

    Chad W. Forsberg and Suzanne M. Forsberg

    Michael Fowler and Cynthia Fowler

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Frankel

    Mr. Brandon W. Freeman

    Mr. David Friedland

    Mr. William P. Frisbie II

    Dr. Nicholas Fuller

    Mrs. Lora Funderburk

    Mr. Charles Gale

    Patricia Gallio

    Garcia Family Foundation

    Dr. Julieta Garcia

    Dr. Stephanie L. Kodack and Dr. David A. Garza

    Mr. F. John Garza

    Ms. Andrea Gastaldo

    Gabriela Gattulli

    Mr. Parth Gejji

    Mr. Devin Geoghegan and Ms. Su Mei Chen

    Ms. Pamela M. Giblin

    Jo A. Giese and Edward W. Warren

    Mr. Michael Gilbert

    Mrs. LeAnn Gillette

    Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gilmer III

    Stephen and Meggie Gilstrap

    Hilary Ginsberg

    Mrs. Susanne Glasscock

    Mary Dant & Gary Gleb

    D.G. Goff

    Mr. Amir Gold

    Ms. Carolyn Holt Goldston

    Alexander Golten

    Mr. David Goodman

    Mr. Marshall P. Gorges

    Mrs. Barbara Graham

    Dr. Laura Graham

    Mrs. Carol Grant Gray and Mr. Ernest D. Gray

    Mr. Rudolph H. Green and Ms. Joyce K. Christian

    Mr. Robert Greenblum

    Ms. Sonia Greer

    John and Betsy Greytok

    Ms. Zenzi M. Griffin

    Ms. Erika Griffith

    Ms. Suzanne Groves

    Mr. Kent Guida

    Laurie Gutierrez

    Dr. Cathy Hamilton

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hancock

    James and Tina Hanna

    Mr. Kirk Hansen

    Mrs. Mona Harris

    Judye and John Hartman

    Mr. Christopher L. Hartwell

    Ms. Mary W. Harwood

    Ms. Hailey Hasenbank

    Mr. Todd L. Hasie

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hatfield

    Robert Hawk

    Mr. and Mrs. Derek R. Hawkins

    Ms. Kimberly Haynes

    Dr. Mark D. Hayward and Ms. Linda S. Abbey

    Raymond He

    Dr. Jerald L. Head

    Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Hemphill

    Ms. Joyce Anne Hendy

    Laura Hensley and Harold Hensley

    Mr. Harvey Herd

    Ms. Erika Hernandez

    Mr. David Herrold

    Mr. Riley Hester

    Ms. Mary Hickok

    Mr. Michael Hidalgo

    Mrs. Barbara Snyder Nelson Hinds and Mr. Benjamin L. Hinds

    Mr. Charles F. Hinger

    Emily L. Hirsh, M.D.

    Mrs. Cynthia P. Hollenbeck and Paul H. Hollen

    Mark W. Holt, M.D.

    Dr. Steven Hoppes

    Mr. Amir Hosseini

    Stephen H. Houston

    Mr. Richard Howell

    Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Hugman

    Mr. Craig Hurwitz and Ms. Kathryn Blackbird

    Mr. Kenneth Ifesinachukwu

    Mr. William Insull

    Sylvia Jabour and David Jabour

    Mrs. Melinda N. Jackson

    Mr. William J. Jackson

    Doug and Emily Jacobson

    Mr. Vinit Jagdish

    Mr. Jonathan Jarratt

    Mr. Ashby Johnson

    Matthew and Michelle Johnson

    Mr. Barry Jones

    Mr. James Jones

    William E. Joor III and Rose Ann Medlin

    Mr. Lenoir M. Josey II

    Mrs. Anjali G. Joshi

    Dr. Jane Joyce

    Ari Kahan

    Ms. Robin Kamin

    Mrs. Katherine Kardesch

    Mr. Matthew Kardesch

    Mr. William Kellogg

    Mrs. Patricia H. Kelso

    Mr. Robert Kendrick

    Dr. David Kerman

    Dr. Kirsten Kern

    Annie and Spencer Kerr

    Betty Wilson Key and James Everett

    Mr. Ziyaad Khayrattee

    Ms. Sandra Kibby

    Mr. John Kilgore

    Paul E. Kim, M.D.

    Ms. Sally S. Kleberg

    Mrs. Judy Koehl

    Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Koenig

    Curtis Krechevsky

    Dr. Ariel Kruger

    Mr. Michael Kuhn

    Ms. Julie C. Kyse

    Lt. Col. (Ret.) Burnett F. LaChance and Mrs. Loree LaChance

    Mr. and Mrs. Adam N. Lampert

    Mr. and Mrs. N. John Lancaster, Jr.

    Mr. Michael Larson

    Laura and John Arnold Foundation

    Mrs. Cheryl Lauterstein

    Ms. Agnes Law

    Mr. Sergio Leal

    Mr. and Mrs. Hunter P. Lee

    Mrs. Lorraine Leftwich

    Mr. Marc Lenahan

    Mr. William L. Atkins and Ms. Myra L. Leo

    Dr. David Letson

    Natalie and John Levan

    Mr. Bradley S. Lewis and Ms. Lori Wittlin

    Mr. and Mrs. Campbell C. Lewis

    Dr. Naomi Lindstrom

    Ms. Laura Linhart-Kistner

    Mr. Gregory O. Lipscomb

    Mr. Mark Lloyd

    Dr. Jennifer Loehlin

    Mr. Richard Lofgren

    Adriana Lopez

    Mr. George Loughran

    Traci Lovitt

    Mr. Joshua Loya

    Mr. William Lynch

    H. Malcolm Macdonald Charitable Trust

    Ms. Melinda Machado

    Ms. Lucia Palacios Maley

    Drs. David and Jane Malin

    Dr. Nancy A. Mandell

    Mrs. Karen Marrero

    Catherine Jurgensmeyer Martin

    Dr. Frances Martin

    Mr. Paul Martin

    Dr. Timothy Martin

    Joy and Thomas Marvin

    Mr. Craig Massey

    Dr. Eladio Mateo Toledo

    Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Matthews

    Dr. Steven R. and Melissa (Marrs) May

    Kyle Mays

    Mr. James W. McBride

    Mr. Murray McCabe

    William McCarty

    Dr. Craig McClain

    Professor Elizabeth McCracken

    Mrs. Ann McCulloch

    Ms. Melanie McDonald

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. McFarland

    Mr. Michael McGinity

    Mr. Connelly McGreevy

    McLane Family Charitable Foundation

    Mr. J. McLane

    Maggie and Steve Megaw

    Mr. Naman Mehra

    Drs. Madeline C. Sutherland-Meier and Richard P. Meier

    Mr. William Methenitis

    Dr. Bruce Meyer

    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mickelsen

    Michelle Migliore

    Dr. Jim Miller

    Mrs. Rebecca Miller

    Mr. Reza K. Mojtabaee-Zamani

    Suzanne Monford

    Mr. Judson Morrison

    Rosemary Morrow, Ph.D.

    Mrs. Marjorie Morton

    Ms. Patricia Moulton

    Mrs. Jennifer Moyer

    Mr. Matthew Moyer

    Dr. Rashmi Mullur

    Carmen Carter and Donald Mulraney

    Mulva Family Foundation

    Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mulva

    Mr. Charles Murray

    Dr. Kat Murray

    Mr. Mark C. Murray

    Dr. Jan E. Mutchler

    Mr. Benjamin J. Nale

    National Philanthropic Trust

    Paul A. and Marcia Inger Navratil

    Dr. Michael Nill

    Mrs. Janis Nooteboom

    Norman Lewis Revocable Trust

    Dr. Charles North

    Mr. Jan A. Notzon

    Dr. Turid S. & Philip Nybro

    Mr. Dan T. O'Neil and Ms. Deborah J. Maurstad

    Marla Oates

    Mr. John Ogden

    Mr. and Mrs. D. Dudley Oldham

    Mr. Michael Oldham

    Mrs. Kathleen Oliver

    Once Upon a Time

    Mr. Tyler H. Onitsuka

    Ms. Carol Paddock

    Elizabeth Painter

    Ms. Susan G. Palombo

    Mr. Kevin Pardue

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Paslay

    Dr. Amar Patel

    Dr. Comer Patterson

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Patton, Jr.

    Ms. Casey Taylor Paul

    Mr. Robert H. Pees

    Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Pendery

    Mr. John Peper

    Ms. Alisa Peppers

    Mr. Paul Perea

    Mrs. Madrienne Petitjean

    Mr. Marshall Phaneuf

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Phaneuf

    Kevin Poe

    Patrick Poleshuk

    Cyrena N. Pondrom, Ph.D.

    Mr. Frederick H. Poppe and Ms. Jana Edwards

    Ms. Jennifer Poppe

    Russell and Stephanie Post

    Ms. Rose Potter

    Mr. Anthony Poullard

    Mr. Steven Prager

    Ms. Jean Radelat

    Mrs. Elysia Ragusa

    Esther L. Raizen, Ph.D.

    Vasu Raja and Maureen Milligan

    Mr. Mohan Rajagopalan

    Ms. Jennifer L. Ramsey

    Mr. Bryan Rand

    Mr. John N. Rando and Dr. Eileen Donohue

    Mr. Dan Rather

    Dr. Ion M. Ratiu and Dr. Simone M. Scumpia

    Mr. Andrew Raymond

    Ms. Cristina Rebello

    Mr. Kevin S. Reed

    Ms. Elisa Reinsmith

    Mrs. Marianne Reuter

    Dr. Nicolas Reyes

    William and Teresa Reynolds

    Mr. Samuel D. Rhea

    Ms. Caitlin E. Rhodes

    Mr. Matt R. Ridewood

    Mr. Jason A. Rios

    Ryan Ritchey

    Ms. Mary Ritter and Jack F. Ritter, Jr., Capt. USN Ret.

    Dean Ramon Rivera-Servera

    Migdalia Rivera-Soto

    Mr. Stanley Robare

    Roberta Wright Reeves Trust

    Mrs. Nancy J. Roberts

    Mr. and Mrs. Whit Roberts

    Mr. J. Brett Robertson and Mrs. Jennifer Brow

    Robinson Value Management, Amy & Charles Robinson

    Ms. Erica Robinson

    Mr. Henry S. Robles

    Mr. Sean P. Rodriguez

    Mr. Paul Rogers

    Mr. Scot M. Rogerson

    Mr. Steven Rosenbaum

    Barbara K. Rothschild and David P. Allen

    Mrs. Dachiell Rowdon

    The Honorable Frank B. Rynd

    Laura Sands

    Mr. Bruce Sandweiss

    Ms. Kellie R. Sauls

    Mr. Eric Schmidt

    Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Schmidt, Jr.

    Dr. David Schnyer

    John and Page Schreck

    Dr. Christopher B. Schulze

    Ms. Stefanie Scott

    Dr. Charles Seidel

    Jan and Mark Seiler

    Mr. Brian Seitz

    Mrs. Michelle Appelrouth Seltzer

    Ms. Mallory Shaddix

    Ms. Leslie Shaunty and Mr. Robert M. Topp

    Ms. Linda R. Shead

    Mrs. Jennifer Shepherd

    David A. and Susan D. Sheppard

    Celeste Sheppard, M.D.

    Ms. Ya-Ting Shieh

    Ms. Kelly Shield

    Ms. Anna Shoemaker

    Mr. Brian Siegal

    Mr. J. Sikora

    Mr. and Mrs. Aaron P. Simpson

    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Sims

    Ms. Sapna Singh

    Mrs. Dolores Silva Smith

    Mr. Paul Smith

    Alice and Robert Smith

    Mrs. Sandra E. Snyder

    Mr. Joseph Sorenson

    Tara Terneny Speer

    Mr. Bradley Staats

    Stagen Family Charitable Trust

    Mrs. Jennifer Stagen

    Mr. Patrick Staha

    Dr. and Mrs. Sam R. Stanbery, Jr.

    Regent Stuart Stedman

    Mr. Richard Steeg

    Dr. Joseph Steele

    Mr. Christopher Stewart

    Mr. Robb Stewart

    Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Stodghill

    Dr. Michael B. Stoff and Ms. Raquel Schuster

    Mr. William F. Stutts, Jr. and Ms. Susan P. Campbell

    Dr. Mary Suell

    Mr. Julian C. Suez

    Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Sullivan

    Sam and Catherine Susser

    Dr. Steven A. Sutton and Barbara T. Sutton

    Mr. Michael A. Swartzendruber

    Mr. Michael Sweet

    Temple Foundation, T.L.L.

    Dr. Min Tang

    Ms. Carter Tatum

    Professor Melinda Taylor

    Susan Terrell and Dr. Donald Brode

    The Bernard & Audre Rapoport Foundation

    The Dedman Foundation

    The Faith P and Charles L Bybee Foundation

    The Roadrunner 2018 Revocable Trust

    Mr. Gary Thomas

    Mr. Charles Thompson

    James Thompson

    Mr. Richard Thorsten

    Mr. Justus Timmers

    Ms. Eileen Tobias

    Mr. Robert Topp

    Ms. Yolanda Torres

    Peyton Townsend

    Ms. Rosie Tran

    Mr. Carl Tricoli

    Mr. William Tyler

    Dr. and Mrs. Everett M. Upshaw

    Mr. John Urban

    Mildred L. Vacek Family Trust

    David Veiseh

    Ms. Amy Villarreal

    Hrishikesh Vinod

    Mr. Wendel Voigt

    Christopher Wagner and Keri Wagner

    Ms. Maria Wagner

    Mr. Harlan J. Wakoff

    Mr. Gene Walker

    Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Walker

    Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

    Mr. J. Thomas Ward

    Warren Skaaren Charitable Trust

    Mr. David Webb

    Mr. W. Thomas Weir

    Paige Welsh

    Mr. John Whatley

    Mr. Thomas L. Whatley

    Michael Whellan and Margaret M. Menicucci

    Dr. Andrew B. White, Jr. and Mrs. Judith W. White

    Dr. David White

    Mrs. Marilyn M. White

    Mr. William Wiemann

    Ms. Louise D. Wilbanks

    Mr. Marshall Wilkerson

    Vasilia T. Wilkes and J. Laurens Wilkes

    Julie Williams

    Kathy S. Williams, Ph.D.

    Dr. M. Wright Williams and Dr. Michelle M. Byron

    Mr. R. Samuel Williams

    Jay Williams and Dena Williams

    Jim and Lela Windham

    Mr. Brian Winter

    Dr. Hannah Wojciehowski

    Mr. Jorge Woldenberg

    Dr. Gary R. Wolfe

    Ms. Sarah B. Wolfe

    Thomas Wood

    Professor Anthony Woodbury

    Dr. Wanfu Wu

    Don Charles Wukasch

    Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wynne III

    Dr. Hussein Yamani

    Drs. Alba A. Ortiz and James R. Yates

    Mr. and Mrs. James E. Yoder

    Dr. Emily Young

    Mr. Evan Young

    Mr. and Mrs. John R. Young

    Ms. Miao Yu

    Mr. Adam J. Zaner and Mrs. Karin M. Zaner

    Ms. Evelyn Zohlen

    Mr. Mark Zora

    Mr. and Mrs. Victor de la Garza, Jr.

    This list represents members whose gifts were received between September 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If your name was omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please accept our apologies and notify us so we may correct the error. 

  • Questions about the Dean's Circle?

    For questions regarding the Dean's Circle, email 

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